Cultpix Radio

Cultpix Radio Ep.53 - Denmark on the Bedside with Brian Iskov

Django Nudo, the Smut Peddler and Brian Iskov Season 5 Episode 53

Django Nudo and the Smut Peddler are joined by journalist and film expert Brian Iskov, author of "Denmark on the Bedside" (2020), a beautiful study-cum-coffee table book about the Golden Age of Danish sex comedies. A wide-ranging discussion that covers:

- The cinema career and life of Brian;

- The book and its creative origins;

- Danish Sin (origins and different from Swedish);

- Annelise Meineche and how "17" got the Danish celluloid nudie ball rolling;

- Change in Danish censorship laws;

- The Bedside films v. the Zodiac/Starsign films (soft v. hard);

- Hardcore makes an entrance (in Denmark and Bedside);

- Ole Söltoft (the curse of Bedside),  Annie Birgit Garde and Birte Tove;

- Mainstream actors appearing in ‘porn’ and public attitude;

- The legacy of Bedside today.

The crazy music at the end is from "Danish Bed and Board" (1972), where everyone is having sex with everyone in the last scene.